Whole-body Cryotherapy



Developed in Japan to originally treat arthritis, Cryotherapy has since evolved over the years to reduce the symptoms of a number of different conditions.  Cryotherapy is a dry process, meaning it uses dry cold air instead of cold moisture to treat thus keeping you from getting sick during the process. During Cryotherapy, the body is exposed to cold air between 200-240 degrees celsius, triggering the body’s natural healing mechanisms.  While blood accumulates in your core to keep you warm and your white blood cells are working hard to speed up the healing process, your brain is releasing endorphins and adrenaline.



What Cryotherapy Means for your Recovery and Overall Wellness


Sports Performance + Recovery

Every successful program and vigorous training schedule requires a recovery plan. Recovery and rest are crucial for athletes so that they can train harder tomorrow. Whole-body cryotherapy can help accelerate recovery and help in reaching unparalleled performance.

  • Muscle recovery and accelerated recovery time

  • Increase in energy and stamina

  • Decrease of fatigue

  • Reduction of pain due to overuse of muscles


Health & Wellness

For those that use cryotherapy on regular basis to better their overall health will find that there are many benefits to adding it to their weekly schedule. We encourage that you try cryotherapy a 3-5 times to really see the benefits and see how consistent use will give you maximum results.

  • Reduction of chronic pain such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and osteoporosis

  • Help symptoms of psychiatric symptoms

  • Overall better sleep

  • Immune system boots



We know how intimidating it can be to try something new, but we will walk you through the entire process.

  1. Book online, call or drop in to the facility.

  2. Arrive 10 minutes early to check-in and complete paperwork.

  3. Have a quick tour and run down with one of our staff members.

  4. Change into your undergarments, slippers, socks and gloves. ( We provide slippers and gloves)

  5. Stand in the cryo machine for 3 minutes

  6. During the entire cryo process, one of our staff members will be with you.

  7. Once dressed, enjoy your post cryo endorphins.

*Ladies, bras must be wireless.